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Hey y'all! I'm Leslie! A southern girl at heart who loves to travel!  I am a mom to two teen boys and my seniors girl clients are my chance to get some girl time in!  I love taking photos and documenting my clients' stories!  Check out this blog for fun info, sessions and so much more!

So you’ve booked your senior session, now what? In today’s blog post, I am going to go through each step so you know exactly what to expect for your senior session experience!

The Senior Questionnaire

As soon as a senior books their session, I send out a senior questionnaire. This is an online form that asks questions to help me get to know each client before I take their photos. I want each and every client to get the photo shoot they are dreaming of so I want to find out information to help me plan that.

Don’t worry, the questions aren’t hard! 🙂 But I really do want to get to know you so that I can tell your story with my camera. This is where you will tell me about yourself, your peronsality, your style and where you will share with me any and all ideas you might have for your photo shoot. Don’t hold back! The more you share, the more I will be able to plan the perfect shoot for you!

The Welcome Packet

After you complete the senior questionnaire, I will mail out the LKP Senior Welcome Packet. This packet is full of helpful information to help you get ready for your session. Things like an appointment reminder card that has the time, date and place to meet on the day of your session, a what to wear guide that will help you plan your outfits for your photoshoot, a session prep guide that will give you helpful information to get you ready for the photoshoot as well as a checklist so you don’t forget anything!

The Wardrobe Consultation

Depending on the type of session you booked, you will meet me for a wardrobe consultation. This is where we get together, go through your outfits and plan the specific ones that will look best for your photo shoot. You will also have a chance to go through the LKP Style Closet and borrow anything you want. I will help you make sure your outfits work for the locations we plan as well as help you finalize the look with the right accessories and shoes.

Reminder Email/Text

The day before your session, I will send out an email with reminders about what to bring, where to meet and more as well as a text letting you know how excited I am for your photo shoot!! I love checking in with my clients before their shoot just to make sure you don’t have any last minute questions and to let you know I can’t wait to take your photos!

The Photo Session

It’s the day of your session! Yay!! You will arrive at the hair and makeup studio in comfy clothes and bring with you the outfits, etc for your session. I will meet you there and sit with you throughout the process. We will chat, get to know each other even better and I will be there to ensure you get the look you want for your hair and makeup.

Once hair and makeup is done, you will change into your first outfit and then we will go to the shoot location, taking all of your things with us.

I will guide you through everything and show you poses and more. You don’t have to be nervous! It is my time to make sure you are having the best experience possible and capture you and your personality. This is where we have so much fun, laugh and get the best photos possible.

After the Shoot

After the photo shoot is done, we will set up your order session approximately one week after the shoot. During that week, I am editing your photos with the LKP editing process and getting them ready for you and your parents to review. You can also expect a sneak peek on Instagram so be sure to follow @lesliekerriganphoto to see what I post from your session.

The order session will take place at my home office where you and your parents will join me to watch a slideshow of the final images as well as go through each of them individually. You will be able to see, touch and feel the products I offer and I will help you decide what products and collection would work best for your needs. Once a decision is made, payment is accepted and your products will be delivered within one week of the order session.

During the entire process, my goal is to make you feel comfortable and guide you along the way. I want to make your senior photo experience memorable and fun! I can’t wait to take your senior photos!

If you are interested in booking a senior photo session with LKP, email me at I can’t wait to take your photos!


The Senior Session Timeline

February 15, 2021

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Let Go of Your Limiting Beliefs


Post #3 - continue this pattern


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Hey y'all! I'm Leslie! A southern girl at heart who loves to travel!  I am a mom to two teen boys and my seniors girl clients are my chance to get some girl time in!  I love taking photos and documenting my clients' stories!  Check out this blog for fun info, sessions and so much more!

Hey Y'all!

What are you searching for?

Congrats on being a senior!

I've put together a senior session seasons guide to help you make the best decision as to when you have your senior photos taken!  This guide breaks down all the seasons and gives you helpful information to help you determine when to schedule your photoshoot!

Your Senior Year Starts Now!

grab the guide

Get the Senior Session Seasons Guide

Need help determining when to schedule your senior photoshoot? Grab this seasons guide to get all the information on what season is best and when to book!

grab the guide

site designed by Elizabeth McCravy

photography by Leslie kerrigan photography