With the debut of my newly designed blog, I am hoping to get back into blogging where I will showcase the latest sessions,
post about what to wear or what I wore and so much more. One of the blog posts I am most excited about it one where I will be introducing my Class of 2015 Spokesmodels! A Spokesmodel is a rising senior who represents Leslie Kerrigan Photography and shares their experience with their friends. These Spokesmodels are chosen after applying to be part of the program and interviewing with me so I can get a sense of who they are and why they want to be a model. Each Monday, I will introduce you to one of this years models. If you are a senior looking for a photographer, ask one of these models about the LKP Experience and get a discount card from them for $50 toward your order of prints or products.
Meet Spokesmodel Laura…
What are you most looking forward to in your senior year?
My senior year I am looking forward to making great memories with friends and having a blast on Mauldin High Schools Student Council.
Favorite band/music artist?
My favorite band is either Coldplay or Imagine Dragons. It’s
Favorite Quote and why?
My favorite quote is “He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” -Muhammad Ali. This is my favorite quote because it reminds me to be brave and confident in everything I do.
Favorite hobby?
My favorite hobby is playing volleyball or reading!
Favorite food?
My favorite food has got to be spaghetti!
Favorite Memory from high school so far?
My favorite memory of a high school was making the volleyball team as a freshman and sophomore! I put so much effort and in trying my best and it paid off!
What are you hopes/plans for the future?
My hopes for the future are to become a teacher, to give back to the community for what they gave me as a child to a teenager. All Clothes in this shoot provided by Fab’rik of Greenville. Thanks Fab’rik!
Meet Laura – Spokesmodel Class of 2015
June 30, 2014
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